Terms of Use


The industry is always changing and legislation is constantly being updated by Australian Standards, Austroads, and the governing body for each state at the time of writing, therefore any content produced by Miles Planning House comes without any guarantees or warranties, the reader is responsible for fact-checking, and making sure that the content we produce is accurate and up to date before putting it to use.

That being said, all posts were created by a fully qualified and registered Traffic Management Designer, and we will do our best to update our content whenever there are changes to rules and legislation.

Sharing Content

We believe in the freedom of sharing information to minimise confusion and make the roads a safer place, there are a few conditions to sharing our content as stated below

You are free to share and distribute the content freely as long as:

  • You leave the attribution on the bottom right of the post, currently, this says 'POWERED BY: Miles Planning House - milesplanning.com.au' at the time of writing.
  • Keep the disclaimer on the post.
  • Make sure that the information on the post is accurate and up to date before sharing it.
  • You may only modify the content if the information and/or references are inaccurate/outdated, however, you are then responsible for the information in the content.


We are not responsible for any damage or loss of property caused by the use of our content, and we are not liable for any loss or damage caused by the use of our content.

Changes to Terms

Miles Planning House may update any information in the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice